Welcome to Fit-4-2
Empowering and supporting women through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Fit-4-2 Physiotherapy have a range of Face to face Workshops and webinars to help you prepare for and recover form Childbirth.
We’re here to help you prevent, manage , reduce and treat musculoskeletal and pelvic floor conditions that are common during the perinatal period.
Pilates is a wonderful way to strengthen your body in preparation for birth. Postpartum pilates rehabilitates by strengthening your body from the inside out.
During Pregnancy, birth and postnatally the female body undergoes significant changes which can lead to musculoskeletal discomforts as well as pelvic floor problems.
Although these problems are common they are not normal and can be treated and managed with Physiotherapy.
We are here to support you throughout your journey into motherhood. We will guide you through your recovery from a vaginal or Caesarean birth, by rehabilitating your body to help you achieve your lifestyle and exercise goals with a combination of physiotherapy, Pilates, exercise and advice.
Great News !!
Mums and Bubs postnatal rehab pilates is back in July as term 3 commences.
This 5 week block will commence on Monday 18th July at 10.45a.m
NEW VENUE -This class will now be held at Heidi’s School of dance 18 Hall Street Newcastle West. I only have 8 spots available. So book in fast.
There is Better parking than The Junction and No stairs, so much easier with prams.
The cost of the 5 week program is $120 - left over Prenatal classes can be used towards this 5 pass. Please DM for more info.
Posted @withregram • @eastendmovement We are very excited to announce that Kirsten Joyner will be available on Wednesdays for Pre & Post Natal Physiotherapy appointments. If you are not feeling your best self since becoming pregnant. Book Online, Book Today! 🤰🏻www.eastendmovement.com.au #prenatalcare #postnatalcare #physiotherapy #womenshealth #pelvicfloorhealth #pregnancy #eastendmovement
I am very excited to be working out of this beautiful space overlooking Newcastle Beach.
I will be available for physiotherapy consultations and 1:on 1 rehab from July.
For all things women’s health, Pregnant, postpartum , musculoskeletal and rehab.
Well It’s a wrap. After 20 years - Pilates for Life is saying goodbye to 15 Kenrick St.
Thank you so much to each and every person who has passed through the door over the last 15 years that I have owned the business. I will be forever grateful to you all. I have been blessed with lovely clients who have become a community.
For those who wish to continue their pilates journey with me…
This week the Mat classes will be Tuesday and Thursday 9.30-10.30 a.m and Thursday evening 6.15-7.15pm at Heidi’s School of Dance 18 Hall St, Newcastle West.
I look forward to seeing you in Heidi’s beautiful space.
At this stage both Fit-4-2 pregnancy and Postpartum rehab will be taking a break until July.
Mums n bubs will be Tuesdays 10.30
And Prenatal will be Tuesday 5.30.
Further details to follow once confirmed. Xx
We reopen tomorrow Monday 10 January.
This will be the 2022 Timetable, which is subject to change, so watch this space.
Pregnancy mat classes remain Tuesday 5.15pm and Saturday 8.30 am.
Postnatal rehab pilates has moved to Friday at 10.15 am.
Studio classes are suitable for pregnant and postpartum women as they are small group and tailored to your specific needs.
Booking is required for all classes.
Bookings via text 0415 871 043
Due to the current Covid 19 wave, we will continue to offer classes via Zoom for those who prefer to or need to stay home.
At this stage we are teaching in the studio using our Covid safe plan.
We look forward to getting back into the routine and seeing you all soon x
Wishing all clients and followers a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁🎅🏻and a happy and safe new year.
Thinking of all those who are sick or in isolation and unable to spend time with loved ones.
We reopen for 2022 on
Monday 10 January.
Thank you to all the beautiful mums and Mums-to-be for your support during this challenging year.
We are reopening on Monday 18th October- Sorry that it has taken us a while to get in touch and let you know what is going on while we have been navigating the rules and regulations.
Face- to- face classes will resume on Monday 18th October. We cannot wait to see you back in the studio.
The opening timetable is above.
As in the past, during the pandemic, we have specific restrictions imposed on us for reopening.
Life within the studio will be similar to before the lockdown.
Bookings for classes can be made via email info@pilatesforlife.com.au or via text 0415871043.
We are restricting Mat class sizes to 15 and studio classes to 4.
Masks are still to be worn unless you have a medical exemption.
During stage 1 of opening in order to attend face-to-face classes you will need to have had two doses of a Covid-19 Vaccine or carry a signed medical exemption form.
Masks must still be worn inside at all times until December 1st.
During Phase 3 - Predicted for 1 December masks will no longer be mandatory and non-vaccinated people may return.
QR codes check-in and hand sanitiser must be used every time on entry.
We understand that some of the conditions imposed by the public health orders may not allow all our clients to return on Monday the 18th or that some of you may have other concerns and wish to wait.
We will still be offering our mat classes via zoom if you would prefer to continue to join in from the safety of your home.
Please note these conditions have been imposed on us by the State Government and are not necessarily a reflection of our beliefs.
We appreciate the support of all our clients during these difficult times.
If you are not yet able to return or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch, If you would like to discuss your individual situation or concerns.
We consider you all part of the P4L family and will do what is within our power to help keep everyone safe and happy.
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